AI-based Training & Consulting for Small Businesses in Developing Countries

Imagine a friend who knows a lot about business, who you can talk to on Whatsapp whenever you want. This friend is a smart computer program, an AI, that has studied all the MSME training manuals and best practices. You can chat with them anytime about your business. They can answer questions, and give you ideas on how to sell more, spend less, and grow. Big companies use this kind of AI to improve, but now you can use it too, for free.

Personal Data & Privacy

To use MYPE Asesor IA you do not need to share any information about yourself or your business that you don't want to- no financial details, and nothing that identifies you or your business.


Our privacy policy is to protect your personal information at all times. We commit to keeping your phone number strictly confidential. For the purpose of improving our services and contributing to research, we may share system queries and replies for R&D purposes. However, this data will be anonymized, meaning it will be processed to remove or alter any information that could be used to identify you personally. This ensures that your privacy is protected, while still allowing us to use the data to enhance our product and contribute to the broader research community.


MYPE Asesor IA is currently in an invitation-only beta test for Bodegueros (small retail shop owners) in Peru

Contact Us Now

You can fill out the form below to learn more, or email us at [email protected]

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